Travel between 360s with Navigation Hotspots

Our latest hotspot type (finally!) allows you to link between 360-degree images

The Momento360 Blog


Our most-requested feature is here: Navigation Hotspots! This allows you to create hotspots that link off to another 360-degree image, so your viewers/stakeholders can jump directly to what you want them to see. You can think of these as smart links that work in the Momento360 web application, as well as single image embeds and Collection embeds.

Click on the marker to move to the next 360. Yes, we finally added it.

Easy creation, flexible usage

We have designed Navigation Hotspots to be easy to create — a simple virtual tour for instance, can be done within a few minutes:

We tried to keep the creation process as simple as possible.

They are also designed to be used in multiple contexts, alongside the other annotation and hotspot types.

You can use them in private sharing scenarios, where none of the images are publicly visible (e.g. limited to privately shared folders and 360s).

You can also use them in publicly-viewable embed links, as an addition to the 360s you may already have on your website. The links in embeds will also preserve all your existing embed viewer customizations, so the experience is consistent when the viewer moves to the next 360:

The same navigation hotspot as in the first embed, but now as part of a Collection embed.

In Collection embeds, the links will keep the existing context, so viewers remain within your Collection. Unlike hard-coded links, the same hotspot will work properly even if they are in different Collections.

Converting from Annotations or Link Hotspots to Navigation Hotspots

Conversion to Navigation hotspots from existing links is one step.

If you’ve already used Link Hotspots or Annotations to create links to other 360s, don’t worry: we’ve made it easy to convert from both Standard Annotations and Link Hotspots — just change the type and the target 360 is detected and translated into the Navigation Hotspot.

More to come!

We’re excited to see what you will make with this new feature. For a more detailed overview (with links to examples), visit our documentation.

